Source Code

Cop a Mozz

When you or a friend takes a mozzarella stick off someone else's plate without asking before hand. Usely happens when eating appetizers or when suffering from the munchies.

"Yo, dude, what are you doing?"
"relax man am just tryin to cop a mozz"

by Dr.MP5 February 27, 2009

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Cop For Weight

Pay for the actual weight of a drug rather than getting a cut off the price.

Shit, Brody has some good skag, I mean it is DY NO MITE. Only thing is, if your trying to snag a piece you will have to cop for weight.

by Sam Cassidy June 16, 2008

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Mall Cop

Stuck up, snobby people that think they're so cool because they wear a uniform & work for $8/hour inside a mall. They can usually be found harassing kids that look different & ignoring the real trouble makers or can be found making up lies to have a reason to kick kids out of the mall.

Mall Cop 1: Hey, look it's kids wearing tripps

Mall Cop 2: Yeah, let's go harass them & ignore the kid in jeans shoplifting from that store.

Mall Cop 1: We're the coolest people in the Stroud Mall!

by idk91295 June 14, 2010

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Cops and robbers

Might've started as a kids game
But it means cop it and rob it
As in see it and steal it
Burglary, mugging the l

Cops and robbers tonight?
Anything decent?
Ok, could with some extra dosh


copping the feels

Catching feelings or getting horny

Yo I'm so copping the feels for her

by Feunix Jones Smith May 19, 2017

Rent a cop

A paid informant working for the po poes (police) hoe!


by SOULVIVOR April 30, 2022

TV cop

The one kind of cop more full of shit than a regular cop.

The TV Cop kept talking about how what he did to that unarmed black guy made him a real life hero, that it was more than TV.

Nowadays, body cameras turn more cops into TV cops. No wonder many of them still don't want to wear body cameras.

by Solid Mantis November 26, 2020