A cringe description middle aged couples use. Usually used by older Japanese couples.
"We're a kiwi couple" - couple on WorkAway.info
A Couple Whiles is a phrase that I made up when I was like 5. It combines “In a couple minutes” and “In a little while” to form “In a Couple Whiles”
It means “Later”, “In a bit”, etc.
Jacob: “Do you want to go to the movies?”
Rhubarb: “In a couple whiles.”
A couple that displays a large amount of public affection that tends to be disgusting. They reside in the hallways of schools generally making everyone around them want to throw up.
Wall coupling leads to pregnancy and death.
People in a relationship that show excessive public displays of affection. The name of the term refers to people that would commit sexual acts in public, that would be considered public indecency, if they weren't under a blanket.
"Did you see those band kids making out in the hallway?"
"yeah, I saw them doing that at the football game too, they're definitely the blanket couple"
The 2021 UK Census recorded that 2.7% of the UK population identified as being in a mixed race relationship. Further recent surveys have suggested that interracial couples make up 7% of relationships in England and Wales. However conversely, in "TV land" or more accurately television advertisements, 90% of the couples appearing in adverts appear to be in mixed race relationships.
I don't know what's going on, but I think there's something wrong with my new TV, every advert has mixed race couples in it. I tried adjusting the horizontal and vertical hold, but that didn't make any difference! So I phoned Curry's to complain, they said "not us, mate, you want the Advertising Standards Authority".
I don't know the definition that's why I'm asking you
Stop on by ,"I'"ve got a couple heads here for you"?
Not the sharpest tool in the box; scatter brained; squirrel thinking.
"I think I am going insane with you"
"No, you are just a couple sandwiches short of a picnic"
"They are a couple sandwiches short of a picnic because they never focus"