Glib way of saying "There is a high probability that..." It doesn't make too much sense if you think about the way gambling odds work, but I didn't create it; I just report it.
Dimes will get you dollars that his car will break down before he gets there.
Dimes will get you dollars that she doesn't really want to change jobs.
It kinda means that you said something to someone knowing that it would get back to the person that you wanted to tell it to.
I dropped a dime to john Doe the other night etc.
Side Dime is a 10 that you have on the side
Cracker red just showed up with a brand new side dime and she was super fine
Controls set to 10 on a guitar amp or pedal, nothing to do with douchebag Darrell, dime, 10, loud, simple.
I had the Marshall dimed, and it nearly peeled the paint off the walls.
"paycheck to paycheck scraping for dimes 4 foot 400 pound twitch streamer caseoh"
9👍 1👎