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Zed eyes

Eyes that record everything they see (and can even pick up audio), and can play back all events from the perspective of the seer exactly as they happened.

When we die, will we be able to play back our lives in every detail as if we had Zed eyes?

by The Gideon Lion August 10, 2020

To the eye slut

A girl who dresses completely not her age , dates people not her age , has eyebrows thicker then Kylie Jenner , with fake nails longer then my exes dick , wearing legit a tissue

tina did u see what the fuck she’s wearing

roxy ew her eyebrows thooo what a to the eye slut

by Tehlia November 4, 2019

Eye bath

When you see something that causes you to to recoil and you wish to remove that sight from your eyes.

"I had to take an eye bath after seeing Steve Harvey's 300 pound bodyguard oiled up in just his undies."


by Luke in FL. September 26, 2008

pork eye

when you poke yourself in the eye, and get a lil bit of pork in it.

"Pork eye... that's definitely something on urban dictionary..." - Stevie Levine

by rip_moochelle April 19, 2023

Moody Eye

When someone imitates or impersonates another person (real or made-up person), namely on social media, just to spy on their crush, an estranged relative, past friends and other sorts of people, either to see what they're up to or to lust over them. To put it simply, if you create a fake account to spy on a few people, you're a Moody Eye.

This is based on the Harry Potter character Moody Eye in The Goblet of Fire, who was actually Barty Crouch Jnr impersonating him to spy on Potter and see what he is up to.

- My ex left me and married another. How should I catch up on him on social media when his profile is private? :(
- Just make a fake account and pretend you're a local priest or some politician from his favourite party and add him, hon.
- Oh, that's a good idea. Very Moody Eye, huh? :P

by Aquarii May 27, 2019

Trance eye

Moment when you find your eyes locked onto a certain spot and cannot urge yourself to move them, for no particular reason. Usually feeling dazed once you do.

Purg, "I want to move my eyes... but I can't stop staring at this one spot"
Chow, "You've got the Trance eye"

by Purgatory Angel & Chow Killer April 6, 2011

Eye Karma

The unfortunate cause and effect scenario that occurs to a person's eye or eye area as a result of a past deviant act of performing carnal knowledge to someone's eye socket.

George had a past sexual indiscretion with someone’s eye socket. Years later, eye karma visited George when during a rifle shoot, a shell casing tumbled perfectly and wedged between his safety glasses and his eye lid. His eye lid was seared. Poor George.

by JoeyD-PSC June 17, 2019