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Another term for event or gathering.

What times the flex?

by Lord mobius December 16, 2022


the word flex usually means to bend a joint, but in this case, to flex something means to steal something that is not yours, so its a verb.
my friend created this word so i added it because i thought it would catch on.
flex, present tense
flexed. past tense

"Alex, that dude just flexed your phone"

by diamondman200 February 15, 2018


To flex is to show off that you have more, or you are better at something.

Another kind of flex is to tighten a muscle.

Person 1: "I'm soooooooo much better at this, I mean, look at me! *gets an unbeatable high score*"
Person 2: "Bitch stop flexing"

by ShxdyNeo September 20, 2018


An international exchange program financed by the Department of state. It brings foreign exchange students from post USSR countries

Who is that new girl?
She is a flex exchange student

by Katie 2020 June 5, 2020


Man who has been through a lot, but has managed to stay strong through it all. (Flex)

Aye, dat nigga Flex gotta strong cock, man.

by Dat fat dick ass nigga March 13, 2017


To flex means to show off or display something, usually in a boastful manner. This can be related to physical strength, wealth, style, or any other personal achievement. It’s often used in a context where someone is trying to impress or brag.

“He was flexing his new car all over social media. I guess he’s really proud of it.”

by YkMatt August 21, 2024


When somebody is showing of their skills and or material things.

Oh, that girl over there is really flexing her money off.

by coolboiifromacult101 June 27, 2021