When a women begins to ferociously beat her lady meats for an extended period of time. So long that by the time their done, the women might as well be a grandma.
“Yo Aleesiah, been in her room for hours, she’s going in granny style”! She is still beating your lady meat??
When a women begins to ferociously beat her lady meats for an extended period of time. So long that by the time their done, the women might as well be a grandma.
“Yo Aleesiah, been in her room for hours, she’s going in granny style”! She is still beating your lady meat??
When you best friends' grandma keeps giving you the "look" and starts rubbing your leg at the table, then you end up sniffing blow off of her ass while getting an aforementioned blowjob
Damn, that might be a Granny Mcblow
The ultimate and the worst insult, worse than your mom and your granny.
your great-granny a gay tranny.
Someone who’s grandmother has been melted into ash and grandma ash is snorted
Person 1 : (Mean Words)
Person 2 : Shut Up You Granny Snorter
Person 1 : (Cries)
Typically occurs an hour before club closing time…whereby all the hot chicks are taken and if you want some loving it’s Granny Grab time.
Oh look…it Granny Grab time and the tosser that’s has spent all night cracking onto everyone in da house has a fine selection of grannies to choose from.