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hippie punk

hippie punk
To start both hippies and punks don't want to conform to the society. But hippies and punks mainly believe on the same aspects of government and social standings. Many things can differ to make up the "hippie punk". Punks belive in Anti-authoritarianism, Non-conformity, Anti-militarism, Anti-capitalism, Anti-nationalism, Environmentalism, Vegetarianism and animal rights. Hippies believe in Environmentalism, animal rights, Non-conformity and Anti-militarism (PEACE).With the "hippie punk" it is a cross between the more peaceful side of the hippie trying to get the more aggressive message of the punks out to the world and get something done about it.
The real issue behind the Punk movement is freedom of thought, or thinking for one's self. Non-conformity is then the result of a punk.
Hippies have similar ideas of thinking for themselves,Non-conformity and peace to get their message across.

Both being a punk and being a hippie is a state of mind and a "hippie punk" brings both of these minds together in a mix of both of the concepts.

an example of a hippie punk is that they believe in peace but beleives in all the other punk ideas.

by peace child June 9, 2006

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the hippie cycle

1.The fact that every 12.2 years a new rebelios style is born (uselly has some thing to do with a new genre of music)

unfortunetly this means in 2018 a new freak will be born

guy:whare did emos come from?
guy2:their just part of the hippie cycle.

by enjoy life before its to late February 28, 2008

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water hippy

One who likes sitting in the rain when they don't have to. Even if all their friends are under cover they will stand there, like idiots, in the rain.

That stupid water hippy is getting all wet out there, what a loner.

by The Whitehat October 19, 2004

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hippie flip

when someone at a rave mixes psychedelic mushrooms and ecstasy

Who's got the shrooms I wanna hippie flip tonight

by chillcat May 30, 2003

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Hippie Ryan

A man who hung out the boardwalk of Ocean City... Went on Acid trip to the Phish and the dead concert...and no one has seen him to this day. a local legend

Hippie Ryan, if your reading this come back to us we miss you.

Oh man Hippie Ryan went to the Phish Concert and never came back... and stil owes me money for that cid'

by Kayla February 2, 2005

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dirty hippie

A "dirty hippie" is more than likely a "neo hippie." They usually have dirty dreads, IF THEY ARE NOT A POSER..They probably dig on the Grateful Dead, Phish, and other cool jam bands. Some are artists. Some are strictly drug users. Some are homeless. Some have Jobs...BUT MOSTLY THEY HAVE SHIRTS THAT CAN STAND UP BY THEMSELVES AFTER PHISH TOUR..Patchouli sadly doesnt cover everything up

Me At one time..and some good phriends of mine...Ya gotta love em'!!!

by Marty Mar August 15, 2005

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hippie killer

A piece of glass or other sharp object found on the ground in a naural setting. Since hippies have the tendancy to walk around bare-foot, these objects readily spread tetanus or at least "really harsh their buzz."

Someone threw a beer bottle into the campfire, leaving a few nice hippie killers behind.

by keith someone else May 22, 2007

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