An anime most elitists hate (they are too busy wacking off to Fooly Cooly to even bother with this show). Blue Gender is an anime version of the movie Starship Troopers...sorta...
In the future, an insidious insect like race of creatures spawn over all continents of the world. Being pushed back, humanity constructs a space station called 2nd Earth to help battle the creatures they dubbed, "the blue." Pocketed in certain parts of world, civilans were frozen and put to sleep before the Blue spread across the land. One such "sleeper" is awakened, Yuji Kaido. He now desperately tries to understand this new planet which is now overrun by bloodthristy monsters. A Sleeper Recovery Unit sent by Second Earth is ordered to bring Yuji back with them, but face tough resistence from the blue. Marlene Angel is accomplished member of the team, and befriends Yugi in more ways then one. Together, they slowly form a bond that intensifys the more Yuji learns about himself, and the more his hatred for the Blue grows.
I like Blue Gender, because I liked Starship Troopers
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Payment made to a informant or grass by the pigs.
I reckon he's on the blue giro after the police let him off.
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the depression and boredom that follows when you arrive back from a holiday.
'wow, after coming back from spain i've got a serious case of the holiday blues.'
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Boston area slang - One who is different simply for the sake of being different. Often wears dirty old clothes and does stupid, outlandish things in public for attention. Wants everyone to know they are different.
"Ayo, you seen those blue hats carrying around dead squirrels our front the building son? Dudes are wilin'."
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Bush Beer
The perfect southern complement to Jim Beam
"Hey pass me a PBR."
"Sorry hipster, this is blue yummy country!"
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Term made famous by The Rock "Dwayne Johnson".
The Rock: Who in the blue hell are you?
Booker T: My name is Boo-
The Rock: It doesn't matter what your name is!
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A black person of the darker variety such that the gums are of a blue color.
Billy-Bob: No officer, I ain't robbed the liquor store. It was a damn blue-gum what did it.
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