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shit ear

A derogatory term for a person with a birthmark or large mole on their ear that resembles a smear of shit

"Excuse me, have you fallen over in some poo a got it on your ear?"
"No, it's known technically as shit ear and I would thank you not to mention it"

by bigmikey January 2, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ear Fucked

When you call a friend or relative and they ramble or take an emotional dump on you, then when its your turn to talk they say they have to go and go. Your left in shock and you didnt get to tell them what you called for.

Phone Ringing

Hims- Hello
Mes- Heyy wuz up! yo i gotta tell you something.
Hims- nah nothing..yo man im stress, i got mad homework and blah blah blah blah...
Mes- oh foreal, damn. yo but..
Hims- yeah and blah blah blah
Mes- wow that sucks, but yo let me...
Hims- Yo but I gotta let you go, i got someone on the other line. laterz
Mes- oh..uh..um. okay later

Mes- What the hell just happened. Did i just get Ear Fucked? Damnit! Asshole!

by childishumor January 21, 2011

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Ear Spear

Spear shaped object pushed through earring hole to 'stretch' the ear. like stretchers, but in the shape of a spear.

person 1: im stretching my ear!
person 2: cool are you using an ear spear
person 1: sure am!

person: oh dear i love your ear spear, and i promise i will not shed a tear even if i fall of the pier becouse i see a deer.

by poodlesAREdogs May 19, 2010

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Rubber Ear

This is what happens when you call someone or ask a question, only to be ignored. Can also be called a "dingy"

Rubber ear is also an effective way to deal with an 'Ear Burn'.

1. Man, was shouting on that guy and he pure gave me the rubber ear a belter.

2. Oh i see ye are just ignoring me. Hold on till i get out my rubber ear.

3. Was at that party man, and Dave was in full ear burning mode, so i just swapped ma ear fur ma rubber wan.

by Big Papa Murph May 18, 2005

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ear virgin

People who're so "Highly" sensitive to fowl language, they don't wish "Anyone" about them using it.
(Advanced virgin ears)

Duane Roper at Sears is an ear virgin.

by dmccowan August 9, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


The tingly and/or itchy feeling you get in your ear canal after inserting an earbud that was barrowed by a friend.

I always use protection to avoid catching an ear STD. Therefore, I use Skullcandy.

by RainboWarrior January 28, 2011

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Ear Cheese

A whitish-yellow, hardened, noodle-like substance that builds up over time in empty pierced earring holes.

"I haven't put any earrings in for a long time...Gross, what is this noodle in my earring hole? Looks like ear cheese!"

by Teresa Davis December 14, 2005

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