The 12th of april is the national sucking dick day.
George: "Hey it's The international sucking dick day."
Jeremy: "Alright come here I will suck your dick."
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a day to sing and celebrate the wonderful Mommy Maya Hawke , Anthem!
Johnny: “Bro, stand up and sing the International Anthem!”
David: “The Star-Spangled Banner?”
Johnny; “No, that’s the NATIONAL Anthem, sing the Maya Hawke Anthem!”
David: “Oh, okay!”
Johnny and David: “Season 3 1985, the gang is getting tall!! Everybody’s growing up and shopping at the mall!!!! Steve and Robin work the counter at the ‘Scoops Ahoy!’ and figure at the Russians have a super secret ploy!! Hopper isn’t happy that Eleven’s kissing boys but then he turns around and put the moves on Joyce!!!”
October 13th is international kill a pedophile day.
Billy:what day is it
Tom:International kill a pedo day
Billy:God I love American holidays
Day in which girls wear their hair up in pigtails in celebration. Usually celebrated in the Continental United States on December 3rd. and August 9th in Europe.
International Pig Tail Day is being celebrated in Ireland in 2014 on 9th August.
The holiday is held annually on February 15. (Yes it's the day after Valentine's Day-that's by design.) It's a day of love, of reflection and of giving back to all the bottoms in the world. Traditionally, it has only been consistently celebrated by The International Order of Sodomites but is able to be celebrated by anyone who wishes to give appreciation to their sub for all their hard work.
The day was first made a holiday by American president Millard Fillmore, who supposedly misread it. It had not been widely celebrated until it 'flourished' in the months before the American Civil War. President Abraham Lincoln attempted to further establish the holiday as tradition with a ritualistic meal, but due to a handwriting error on his part, resulted in the invention of Thanksgiving. It all worked out in the end though, as Thanksgiving too consists of sitting around and praising a stuffed bird.
The holiday never truly took off in the hearts of the people, and as such fell back into its decay, but a notable attempt was made by Justin Sayre, Chairman of the Order of Sodomites, in February 2014 in Joe's Pub to catalogue the overwhelming history of International Bottom Appreciation Day, which was recorded and uploaded to popular video streaming service, youtube.
Bottom1: My Top was being really sweet to me the other day, and I can't figure out why
Bottom2: No duh, it was the 15th of February, International Bottom Appreciation Day.
October 30th ; bring your milk to school day
Robert : Did you forget your gallon of milk today?
Anthony : How could I forget its International Milk Frenzy Day!
A cheap restraunt where they serve the crappiest pancakes.
Daniel wishes he owns all the International House of Pancakes.
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