A boy named junior is definitely a piece of shit weak asf and a liar and a cheating ass bitch. so dont ever fw a nigga named junior cause hes a waste of time and energy and hes not worth anything
junior’s a bitch
junior’s a lying ass ugly bitch
junior needs to die and kill himself
The person who when you get to know you understand why the saying “The Goddess Prevails”
I got to know junior and yeah they were right, the Goddess is going to prevail.
Just because it’s on urban dictionary doesn’t make it true. It’s bumble fuck.
Junior is basically a follower of someone. They basically listen to his senior. In the hood, junior means you are someone's bitch.
Tylik: Yo where Tyleek at?
Sam: my junior?
Tylik: your junior?
Sam: Tyleek my junior.
The cooolist most lit ski group in all the land
Yoo junior swerve gang is steezin for a reason
A huge cockosaurus rex. Also refered to as sausage. Is overly attractive and can evolve into a wolf. Lives in a pack with crazy people, but runs away often. Can lift more weight than anyone on the planet and has true romance.
I wish I were Junior Garcia.
A Junior Garcia pwns everyone.
A salesman in charge of a team without being given any privileges, authority or respect by the directors, other senior salesmanor even his team
Congratulations on your 'promotion' to junior senior sales