Thugging but to a simple degree.. like a lightweight thug. When you can’t walk it like you talk it
Nigga came in here lean thuggin’ but didn’t bust a grape!
a particullar phrase wich indicates the humongous amount of Lean present in The building
oh shit, thats a whole lotta lean
YASSSS lean pump clash royale
A tarp, shack, or shed supported at one side by trees or posts and having an inclined roof used for shelter while pooing outside in the rain or snow
Ben set up a lean-poo so he wouldn't get wet while he pooed in a hole on the backpacking trip
When you play shooter computer games and you tilt your head to see around corners on you monitor.
He couldn't see his target, so he does a tazzie lean to try and get a better look.
A position one assumes whilst eating at a buffet in order to store more food. The buffet lean is accomplished by placing the non-utensil using arm on the table, and leaning forward to vertically increase the size of the abdominal cavity, thus allowing for more food to be packed in.
"Damn man, i'm full. i spent 11 dollars on that buffet and i only had two plates!"
- "So get the buffet lean goin! pussy!"