Any gesture that is friendly in general.
Daniel: That’s not a very bro-like thing of you to do.
Izzy: Bro...
A white person that tries to act like a black person either to: fit in, or act cool.
Guy #1: that guy has no friends!
Guy#2: it's because he's a nig-a-like!
n.) a person that only likes your comments or posts, but will not have anything else to do with you ... i.e. chat call or meet in person
v.) the act of like friending someone
Shelly never really talks to me she is just a like friend.
Used to describe the way a female does something or may even describe her personality (which doesn't exist)
Usually used to describe all females in general
hoes be like "hoes be like" but they the hoes that be like hoes be like.
Loose and irresponsible behivour on a soc. system when one likes most of what he sees listed on his Home, in short period of time. Without much thinking or reasoning before pushing Like, often just to gain (false) positive look!
Jon just came home and gave his friends a Like Spree just to keep presence.
When somebody on Facebook likes absolutely everything on your profile and finds it funny.
victim: just been Like Attacked again on this :L
attacker: LMFAO BIG STYLE!!!
When you are in love, you “make love”
When you aren’t in love, you “make like”
I’m going to go over to my lady friend’s place tonight and make like.