Mantra of tee-shirt peddling scum on social media. Mostly instagram, where their M.O. is to repost content without credit or mention with the goal of feeding off of talented welders.
Do you love welder? Follow me for stolen pics daily. Visit links for shirts mugs and leggings.
Me 😝
Person 1: you know person 3 loves you the mostest?
Person 2: yea
Person 3: GOOD
What you say to someone you are in love with but don't think they'll take you seriously. Usually said as a joking response to an adverse comment. Can be used as reverse psychology to make the other person magically hate you.
L: Ew, I hate you.
V: No worries, I still love you.
“i love you the most bella” is a true statement ferris uses when talking to bella about who loves who more. it’s here in the dictionary so it’s true.
i love you the most bella, forever and always
- ferris
Dear Thamuel,
Haha... I win.
I love you super mostest...
Commonly used with two pictures, and the last image is cursed and all you hear is “ I😎Love😍You😘You😇Love Me Too😳But😨What😥a Shame We're Far Away😵 💫”
Person 1: You: 🐴
Person 1: Me: 👨
Person 2: *insert image of horse riding human here* I😎Love😍You😘You😇Love Me Too😳But😨What😥a Shame We're Far Away😵 💫