the increased rash of "cute" e-mails received around christmas time, mail that one x's out of immediately and delets without forwarding on
man, my in-box if full of x-mail like every november and december, takes me forever to clean up my in-box this time of year
when two people get bored, call most of thier friends who they know will not pick up, then critize their voicemail. . then measure it on a scale from one to ten (one being the lowest and ten being the highest)
my friend and i became voice mail critics
When someone is speeding trying to get to their destination.
Larry was toting the mail trying to get to his job
Tell your friends. Typically after being laid well, you brag to your crew.
When I finished her right, she went off to drop some mail and her friends wanted in.
This the term for communications sent via email or text while under the influence of ale or other alcoholic beverages. They are typically not a good or even okay idea and lead to negative outcomes.
Barry was despondent when he awoke terribly hungover and read the response from Linda ending their relationship. He knew he should not have sent that ale mail last night, but he did anyway cause he a drunk ass with huge insecurities.
(verb) synonymous with reject -- to force an unwanted call to your voice mail. Typically used in the past tense, since the person having the action performed on him/her is unaware until the v-mailing occurs. While getting sent to vmail can occur for good reason i.e. person being called is in class/at work or talking with someone else, it tends to create feelings of woe regardless.
"Man, I stared at my phone for an hour wanting to call that girl, and when I finally pressed send, she fuckin' v-mailed my ass!"
"Dude, don't feel bad about v-mailing that punk. Now he's got a limited time to convince you to call his ass back."
When you arrive at a friend's or associates house but there not home so you masterbate in the postbox to let them know someone had called while they were gone
James wasn't in when we called round so I left him some fan-mail