Source Code

soft name

A pleasant name that rolls off the tongue nicely

Soft Names:
Stella Marie

by icapricant March 24, 2017

bro name

A name you give your bro

When your bro always replies to you late, so you call him late reply.
Your bro: hey man!

You: wow man, what's up, late reply!
Your bro: haha worst bro name ever.

by NotNart October 19, 2015

name dysphoria

Name dysphoria is when your name, most commonly given at birth, gives you anxiety, or you just really hate it.

I have name dysphoria, and i really wish to be called another name.

by DeFnOTYOuRmotheR February 9, 2022

name and shame

The act of showing a players username and showing a bad deed that they have done. Often against rules in certain forums.

Person: lol look at this idiot that tried to scam me *shows screenshot w/ username*

Forum Mod: Naming and Shaming is against our rules; if you do not edit this screenshot out, you will be muted.

Person: *looks up Name and Shame*

by hiimstupid12 April 17, 2019

Aol (name)

A super good girl and super cute, SHE'S have a nice heart

Aol (name) is a very cool person

by Hahaha i bored June 4, 2020

Aol (name)

An incredible person, with a lot of empathy towards others and always tries to help others with what he can

Aol (name)

by Hahaha i bored June 1, 2020

name police

Users on Urban Dictionary who report names. There are good ones who only report full names, but there are also bad ones who report names they don't like. Nevertheless, they are one of the many important users on the site, but they are rarely mentioned.

Person A: My definition of Person C got deleted!
Person B: Looks like the name police caught up to you.

by ChameleonDragon March 9, 2018