There is so much to unpack here and I'm tired so you'll have to wait untiiiiiiiillll... Like 4:30am cst?
Hym "Ok. The is a lot there pick at but I wasted all morning eating steak and playing Ps4. So! I'm going to take a nap, hang out with muh pal for a bit, and come back in the morning and, like the mighty content vulture that I am, I'm going to pick apart that new JeepJorp video, come back here, and regurgitate all of the things I found wrong! with it into your little baby vulture faces. (That was a big sentence I know and not grammatically correct at all but I did it on purpose because doing things ironically justifies everything and anything) I have some thoughts about the conflation between 'black culture' and 'pre-selection' or 'social proof' (as they call it). I'm going to deconstruct the concept of being 'a plausible mate.' And then I have one about how all of their solutions are so amorphous and open ended that they are impossible to implement. And finally, I have something for quote-unquote 'model minorities' and 'asian cultures as a model for emulation.' It's going to be good. It's going to be cool. But I'm sleepy. I also have a ton of backlog to clear and I might try to offload some of that onto you guys."
Jace. Not just any ordinary person, but Jace's are typically wrong, no matter what they do.
Sister: Wow, you are SOOOO Jace.
Brother: I'm so what?
Sister: You are are never right, so you are Jace. Always Jace.
Brother: I still don't get it.
Sister: It means you're wrong, duh!
The number one fear when working on a test. This is a life or death situation in a test.
Dan: I got a question wrong on the test
John: Oh no... that means the teacher is going to go crazy again!
Hillary : My name is Hillary Cli...
Trump (aka wall god): WRONG !
What I did was harmless explicitly because there is nothing I could do for those women. You don't actually intend to teach me anything. If that's the case you're just as bad as I am. But that isn't why you are doing this.
A retard "That's why it's wrong."
Hym "You don't care. Every time I masterbate I'm fantasizing about raping one of you. How's that? Do that make you feel better? You fuck."