A place prostitues go to make money in Stockton, California! You will see a lot on wilson way including even guy prostitues dressed like girls!
She is a thot i seen her on Wilson Way!
You want money? Go walk on Wilson Way!
When anything in life remotely goes wrong
I dropped a pen, "no fucking way.'
I misclicked an application, "no fucking way.'
My mom was shot and killed, "no fucking way."
Saying you will live a good life style And leave this place to find success, but keep extending your “move out date” to further accommodate poor money choices and solely fucking up thus keeping you stuck in Corsicana day after day week after week month after month year after year
Until you give up on your dreams of ever accomplishing something better.
Person: I’m gonna get out of Corsicana in just 3 months and accomplish great things
*three months pass*
Person: hey can I borrow a cigarette off you? I have NO MONEY. I’ll move out In maybe 5 months once I get my shit together
~That’s the Corsicana way~
Louis Tomlinson said "forget what they thought you in scouts Payno, we're doing it tommo way!"
It means: Just do it your way :)
I made this recipe In the tommo way !
the sexiest person alive and lead singer of the best band in history My Chemical Romance. He now has his own solo album (Hesitant Alien). He is usually (always) shipped with frank which is Frerard. If you don't like this hot sexy beast then just get up and go. And if you don't know who he is then where have you been, under a rock?
me: OMG Gerard Way is SOOOOO hot!!!
person: who is he?
me: the hottest person alive and lead singer of My Chemical Romance
person: omg ill have to check this out
-Next day-
person: omg Gerard way is sooo hot!
me: told ya so
gee way is the very sexy very very hot very talented lead singer of the very talented band my chemical romance. he is a very talented singer and his lyrics are amazing. only gee would write a song that is basically half made up of him moaning (its destroya if you didnt know). to some people gee might look like he wants to kill you but us killjoys all know he is just a cinnamon roll and sassy diva. he is very sexy and shouldve married frank but he is very cute with lynz and also bandit. we must all worship GEEsus.
‘i just got so emo i fell apart’
-gee way
‘this shit is easy peasy pumpkin pie motherfucker’
-gee way
gerard way is very hot