Source Code

Deuce Hole

Toilet, Crapper, John, Restroom etc.

We can go take team dumps in the deuce hole

by Belaes October 31, 2010

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Blast a Deuce

Take a dump

I am going to expolde if I dont Blast a Deuce soon!

by Trout Slayer 22 March 5, 2009

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Deuce Toss

1. To toss a turd.
2. To burn someone. (diss)
3. To fuck up.

"shut your shit or I'll deuce toss you!"

"Now, that's how you deuce toss someone!"

"Way to deuce toss all night!"

by Dhebi April 18, 2009

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urinal deuce

You know how #1 goes in the urinal and #2 goes in the toilet well, a urinal deuce is when someone #2s inside a urinal.

Urinal deuce

by Saltyboi243 July 14, 2018

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flippin the deuce

Just the classic peace sign.

They saw her flippin the deuce while making her exit.

by NotMgenna December 2, 2007

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Golden Deuce

The perfect poop. Meaning, there's nothing to wipe. When one has the golden deuce, the toilet paper is completely clean after wiping.

I sat on the throne, and dropped a Golden Deuce. When I wiped, my ass was dry, and there was no dookie on the toilet paper.

by Derange-O October 5, 2013

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facebook deuce

The act of surfing facebook while going number 2.

bro, give me my laptop I gotta take a facebook deuce

by bwizzy November 17, 2009

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