Source Code

Wind Farm

When Three or more participate in the act of trapping each other under bed covers after releasing vile ass fumes. The Wind Farm is created by the combination of farticles in an upgraded Dutch Oven.

Jamie, Scott and their dog Lefty were in bed; Scott vomited on the sheets when his wife and his dog gave him the white castle Wind Farm edition of the dutch oven.

by Chedward Lazaro March 10, 2015

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Potato farming

This is when you place a potato spud in a women’s pussy and add some soil. Then you piss and rub your dick on the soil.

Me and Bella went potato farming the other night it was glorious

by Liam is sexy August 9, 2020

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subsistence farming

Agriculture that provides food to the farmer and his/her family, with little or no product for trade. The practitioners are very susceptible to famine.

The Ethiopian practice of subsistence farming, is almost suicidal.

by Cunty Fresh Fanatic November 11, 2010

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farm boy

it's actualy called Doing the farm boy...
this is the act of pinching one nostrile closed and blowing wads of goo out the other and all over the floor.

"I hate my ex-wife so much,I did a farm boy all over her pillow".
(Great Idea? Rite guys?)

by mavros April 12, 2006

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farm boy

boy who smells like crap

man, he stinks, he must be a farm boy

by Bob Marsters June 4, 2003

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Twat Farm

The term used to define a woman's vagina when she is wearing tight pants or shorts, and the land surrounding her twat is attractive in appearance. A twat farm is usually found on college campus' across the United States, where girls wear yoga pants or spandex shorts 93.7% of the time. Noun. (language of origin: Sioux Fallsian)

Dude check out the twat farm at 9 o'clock! She's got space too!

by NTITUS54 September 16, 2012

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Beat Farm

When one lays down a beat.

Did you hear Zach Beatbox?
I think Corky heard him, apparently he beat farms all the time.

by Ca$$ady September 23, 2005

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