A particularly odd individual, namely Isabelle
Stop laughing at my Thirster™, you're being such an odd puppy!
When an attractive girl at the office wears a low-cut blouse you tell your colleague "the puppies are out"
Hey, did you see Jen today? The puppies are out!"
Bats... But better. They dwell in the depths of Lady's cave under her skirt. They smell of lavender with a hint of blazing fury. They like to be fed first thing in the morning but they are picky... Only the best sticky white stuff will do. And be warned... Raising her skirt will result in escape... She will defend them and they, her. You will parish...
"That scout let 15 bird puppies out! I will burn your castle into oblivion!"
People go to comfort puppies for comfort and advice whenever they need help usually with a breakup, when they’re used or when they are at their weakest. And then when they’re better, the forget the comfort puppies. But those people are never there for comfort puppies and usually start talking about their own issues. So comfort puppy is a person who’s job is to be a therapist for people who don’t give a shit about them.
X: ,,My friend usually texts me when ge is sad and needs help, other than that…no.”
Y: ,,you’re a comfort puppy to him”
A discord puppy is a user on the application discord (application for gamers) where server moderators talk regularly to users that bark for them (E-girls mainly but men are appreciated) and have feelings for them.
Oh my, BigChad69 has LittleBaby2145 as his discord puppy!!
a dog acquired during the covid pandemic that was never trained/ taught not to be an arsehole. owner usually has no control or recall of the dog and its barely litter trained.
My mate got a lockdown puppy. The thing is now fully grown but was never trained, so it's a proper arsehole. It's badly behaved and spends the whole time trying to fuck my leg.
One of the many names for the poop that comes from man's best friend, the humble Dog.
"Look out, puppy mine inbound!" *dog poos*
"Puppy mine field up ahead!" *Puts shoes on*