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pole smoocher

A person who sucks dick.

I'm pretty sure Elton John is proud to be a pole smoocher.

by BB--YoMama July 23, 2006

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voter pole

A place where voters go to vote and conduct their voter business.

I went to the voter pole to cast my vote for the president.

by Harlem McCrell May 2, 2008

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pole soldier

A male homosexual or bi-sexual or a gay, on a mad search for cock.

Fred was tracked down by 2 pole soldiers and had the time of his life

by VagCrusher187 January 8, 2017

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Any of a group of people who, will, in any fighting game available, pray on newbs by selecting the character with the longest range. Usually in an attempt to try to prove that the are better, but normally get shut down by someone who truly excels at the game.

A good example of a Pole-Slider would be the first week SoulCalibur IV was released. Most of the online community would pick either Seong-mina or Kilik due to lack of skill, and would be shut down by someone who knew how to play well.

by Solzer July 5, 2009

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mud pole

Decent body, busted face.

Q-How's she look?
A- Ehh... she's a mud pole you should get drunk first.

by jay tayman September 12, 2011

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Pole position

When you're playing with your phone while driving and you position yourself with a pole and smash into it

Paul was driving his truck playing with his phone not paying attention put himself in a pole position and smashed into it

by Dirtye49 September 3, 2017

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Pole Vaulting

When you’re having sex and the man slips and nails you in the taint.

Dave and I were totally doing it when he slipped and ended up pole vaulting me, I’m just glad hit the taint and not the dit box!

by Katrykat April 1, 2020

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