Source Code


When you click the post button twice, because you are too impatient for the next page to load.

This essentially sends the message through to the database twice, resulting in two posts that are exactly the same. Only works on certain websites, or when your internet is slow as fuck.

User A: Anyone got a PS3?

User B: Yeah

User B: Yeah

User C: lol twin-post fail

by Arking Nerdenheimer March 11, 2009

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Post the FG

to kick a field goal in Tecmo Super Bowl
Note: It is possible to kick 65 yard field goals (except with Roger Ruzek).

You GOT to post the FG! It's fourth fuckin' down!
Fuad Reviez can post that shit no problem!

by BadDewd April 5, 2003

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A description of the world around you that just looks like it does. Used to scoff at artists that are post-fullofthemselves.

Look at that panorama of downtown Singapore, with the three story buildings mixed in with the high rises. It's very post-everything.

by thecontinuum August 10, 2010

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old posting

1. Posting on social media something only an old person would do.

2. Posting something old people would post without realising that you are over the hill.

John: "I didn't vote for Obummer!"

James: "John, could you please stop old posting!"

by KIRBYTIME June 19, 2016

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Canada Post

Worst mail service in the world, no buts about it. Royal Mail (UK) can deliver a standard letter in around a day, across country. You could put a letter in a box in front of your house, addressed to you and you may receive it in a week.

My parcel is going to take 2 weeks to arrive from the same province because Canada Post.

by A Sensible Man February 27, 2017

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Post Pooper

People on social networking sites such as facebook that sit around reading posts then proceeding to shit all over them. Typically seen when someone makes a post or status update containing some exciting news or an announcement. Then along comes the post pooper and posts something to destroy the mood of the post.

Ash: so I've decided I'm going back to school in the fall :)
2 hours ago via Facebook for BlackBerry ยท Comment ยท Like

Post Pooper: Hi ash... Not that my opinion counts for much however, proceed with caution. You have bitten off a lot lately. New job, new business (selling purses) and now school. I think you def go back if u want to go I just caution not to bite off more than u can chew all at once. Love ya

by Pain (Mary Jane Rotten Crotch) May 25, 2010

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block post

A block post is a complaint post about people who block. Apparently blocking with no rhyme nor reason. The ironic thing is the people who complain about being blocked are usually the worst blockers.

Kyree was at it again: no one was replying to his block post about his being unjustly blocked because he himself had blocked most of those he expected to respond! Not too bright, our Kyree.

by Chuck_Tom June 1, 2018

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