Source Code

In read

Crazy bitch

Dashaun your a in read

by Jajnjknsoanuowjce November 21, 2019

Please read this dear staff member.

Please accept this as a word definition. I dont care if it's not accepted, but please read it fully. I have a gentle request. Please do not accept name definitions. They destroy this site. If you ever see any of them flagged please delete them. Thank you for reading this, if you are a decent person.

Please read this dear staff member.

by AbCd!2#4 July 6, 2023

Read p

An insult to tell your friend who wears glasses or who just can’t see

Friend 1: What does that say I can’t see
Friend 2: ugh read p

by Dangerous golf ball June 14, 2021

This Text Is Being Read Aloud

This text is being read aloud is the audio check for R.I.S.E. testing. People will usually change the pitch and the speed of "This text is being read aloud" in an attempt to humor themselves before the fucking test. If you looked this up, you're probably either starting R.I.S.E soon and want to entertain yourself before, or you just ended it and don't know what the hell to do right now.

Janet: I just finished the R.I.S.E. test and I have no idea what to do so I'll just look up This Text Is Being Read Aloud on Urban Dictionary
Sam: Ur stupid

by urmom.com72 May 3, 2022

phantom reading

When you’ve read an entire book but can’t remember a single thing that it said.

In school I was phantom reading.

by Kanonymous123 March 18, 2018

Reading schools

A ghetto school filled with ghetto people having ghetto fights and ghetto language.

Rachet skanks, poor school. Rude teachers And students!

They have no respect for nothing, they probably go to one of the reading schools.

by Black bitch 360 December 5, 2021

reading school

a school in reading that looks like a castle with a bunch of asian kids in it

I attend reading school

by iHateFurry October 22, 2023