It is a disease on 1 in 5 people. It makes them have a complete lack of social skills. Pisses everyone off and does stupid things. It also kills 23 brain cells a day. Increases chances of dementia by 60%. There is treatment for retard syndrome but there are ways of preventing it like not being a total dickhead. Retard syndrome is contagious if you are friends with someone who has retard syndrome.
Jimmy keeps trying to take are lunch money so he must have retard syndrome.
A controller player who sits on his fucking ass all day playing Unturned and spends a month on unturned in 2 weeks WHAT THE FUCK!?!?
Me: You are such a Fatass Retard! Savage: WHO?
Somebody who switches up when they get caught for being a retard
“He Fr schrodinger’s retard”
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when you smoke weed and get fucking stupider then a retard
i am officially on retarded island after that blunt
A person who is so retarded that it will most likely end in his/her own death.
Bob: That guy just answered an iron instead of his phone.
Prometheus: What a dumbass!
Bob: I would just die if I were terminally retarded...
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A sub-genre of rap usually characterized by overly repetitive song structure, unintelligible lyrics, obnoxious melodies, and excessive posturing and label-flashing by the artist.
A classic example of this would be "Crank That" by Soulja Boy.
Nick: Could you distinguish a single English word in the song we just heard?
Mike: Hell no, but what can you expect? It's retard rap.
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