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chat room

Annoying places where people try to meet you in real life. They send you pictures and harass you endlessly. You sign onto places like The Sims and There and they never shut up. Stop using these chat rooms to bother everyone. You chat room people are annoying, and I don't care about you.

It's a beautiful day in Sunrise Florida. Brian wants to sign onto There to buy some nice designer jeans or Red Light District to get some nookie. People start messaging him. Want to meet in real life? Brian closes chat room window.

by Online game player December 2, 2013

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Room 4

A room where most mentally retarded people are sent in elementary school.

Drew: "I'm the biggest Mexican white supremacist ever!"
Liam: "This is why you're in Room 4."

by LynelTamer February 26, 2022

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Patriot room

Where all the various denizens of the Patriot live when they're not busy serving as minions of Satan. Most of the time is spent looking at vulgar sites on the Internet (including this one), trying to convince certain women that colors DO in fact exist (dammit they do), arguing with each other, conspiring against each other, unloading their sick personal problems on the few male writers that still haven't fled in abject terror (talking about PMS - GROSS) and occasionally doing work when the Patriot members aren't too busy fucking around (on the table, that is).

The Patriot room kicks ass when we aren't busy watching the Nick Berg video over and over again, and making the whole room listen to our sick stories of how we got date-raped by our 30-year-old boyfriends.

by Unreal Tournament 2004 June 8, 2004

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flame room

The original home of a crew known as 'the flamers', first found at TLK Muck but now living on a Muck of their own.

Hey, who's on in the Flame Room at the moment?

by Ras August 28, 2003

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beau room

A room where lovers meet in privacy.

After dinner, the newlyweds retired to their beau room.

by smjgJsbjgsm October 29, 2018

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The Student Room

The Student Room is an online forum for teenagers, primarily, but you'll always find adults who exercise their bragging rights because their little Annabelle or Toby got 14 A*s at GCSE and 4 A*s at A Level, and is going off to Oxbridge. This bragging is omnipresent among students too.
There are many different kinds of forums, ranging from 'I got rejected from Oxford. Am I still special?' to 'My friend got into Teesside and is happy. How do I let her down?'. As demonstrated by these forum names, there is a lot of fapping to Oxbridge and its equivalents, where a common mentality is present, that being 'if you don't get in, you fail at life'.
Politically, it is leftward skewed. Surviving for a day as a righty is impossible, as you are hurled abuse from the left majority, being referred to as more -ists and -phobes than there are made up genders. Consequently, an admin or rep will fish you out of the crowd and shut you down.
Things not to criticise on the Student Room: Islam, Positive Discrimination, Wage Gap *coughs* bullshit *coughs*, Racism against white people (rEVerSEd RaCiSm), feminism, gender being a spectrum, Oxbridge (the OJW (Oxbridge Justice Warriors) will be on your back), Immigration etc.

Typical 'The Student Room' threads and responses:
OP: How do I get into Oxbridge with 7 Bs and 3 As?
Reply: Hahaha you must be joking, try somewhere of your level, maybe Leeds Beckett?
OP: Anyone going on the Durham open day?
Reply: I got an offer, but I don't need to go as I got an offer from Cambridge instead.
OP: My RE teacher told us Mohamed married an 8 year old but didn't consummate the marriage. Is she lying?
Reply: Uh no! Islam teaches love and acceptance, and will benefit the western world!
OP: I think immigration should be stricter as it's not economically sustainable to have open borders.
OP: How do I live after a Durham rejection?
Reply: Lol your personal statement must have been proofread by someone at Leicester.

by bigboobies007 August 11, 2019

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The Wiggle Room

When a man pins down a woman with his knees on her arms and ejaculates on her face. This in turn only allows the woman to wiggle around to avoid said facial.

Individual #1: Oh man I brought Sarah to the wiggle room last night.
Individual #2: Duuuude... you snag any pictures of that?
Individual #1: ....

by Smarter than you right? October 14, 2011

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