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To deliberately mock oneself in a banterous fashion in order to join in on a joke or else when no comeback is forthcoming when a friend banters with you.

Friend: mate your head is massive
You: ye its the size of a planet inn'it! self-banter!

by banterlad February 23, 2012

Self hug

The thing you do when your so lonley and nobody wants to hug you

Self hugging, seriously its lonley. It makes your self feel better but its lonley

by TheForce_ November 10, 2020


1. killing of oneself
2. masturbation
3. getting high

"That bitch over there just self-crimed."
"Bro, I'm actually gonna self-crime."
"My life is so shitty I'm gonna self-crime."
"Wanna come to my place, smoke a joint, and self-crime."

by eat.crayon May 1, 2020


The act of offending oneself in order to create humour, first invented in 2013 by Mr. Penfold

Mate 1: Hey you know who's a dick?

Mate 2: Me!!!!

Mate 1: Haha, great self-dis!

by WillPenfold April 18, 2014


When u gotta pimp out ur own shit cuz u caint get no otha pimp on it. They all like NAH so u start sellin it on ya own.

"Dearest Mr. Pimp, while I appreciate your continued offer of services, I have decided to branch out and self-promote my exquisite goodies and will hereby be representing myself evermore. I apologize for any inconvenience or financial hardship that this revelation might cause you and your closest of kin."

by pimpwiggly 24/7 January 9, 2017

Self Esteemicals

An expression of one self that a person may or may not possess. A person can have low self esteemicals or high self esteemicals depending on how they think of themselves as a person.

Person 1: Ya know, I love you and all, but you're really short
Person 2: Thanks for messing with my low self esteemicals

by Jack Phuckterpuss December 5, 2011


Adjective; a person who is self-sexual is someone sexually attracted to oneself. Can be considered a sexuality, such as heterosexuality or homosexuality. This may entail flirting with oneself in the mirror or being turned on by naked pictures of oneself.

This also stems to plots of hentai or other porn, in which a person may clone oneself or encounter oneself from another dimension, and then engage in sexual intercourse with oneself. This is often considered homosexual or incest sexual, or a form of masturbation.

That girl is so self-sexual, she would have sex with herself if she could!

by DeusVult Infidels June 30, 2018