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Spin the Fish

Spin the bottle game, but you are out of bottle so use fish instead

You have to kiss Sophie! Those are the rules of spin the fish!

by Newton Orchid October 8, 2018

cheap spin

A person who invites you to a casino without money or vehicle.
Someone who is always asking for money to go to the casino.

I can't believe Andrew invited me to the casino without any money . He even asked me for a ride and a couple of dollars to play with. He is nothing but a cheap spin.

by Dessert Cock March 10, 2022

Spin the top

Adj describing something really deep or intense; referencing Inception and the spinning top.

Matt: Hey man have you ever noticed how loved spelled backward is evol?
Zach: Whoa. Crazy. You really spin the top sometimes man.

Zoe: Wait...Isn't that an Eminem lyric?

by mehh? January 17, 2012

The Spinning Alphabet

The Spinning AlphabetVerbSexual Act: As Your Sexual Partner Rides You, You Recite The Alphabet. Once You Hit P You Spin Your Partner While They Are Still On You And So Now They Are In Reverse Cowgirl Position. You Furiously Thrust Them While Repeating The Letter P 26 Times. Once The 26th Time Is Hit, You Spin Them Back Around And Finish The Alphabet. Also see The Stinking Alphabet.

"Dude! Last night I gave your mom The Spinning Alphabet and she came right then and there.

by Jackie Estacadoe March 30, 2023

Spin Cycling

Going back and forth between hitting a joint / blunt / bowl (etc.) and drinking alcohol and claiming each time that your mouth is dry because of cottonmouth (so you need a drink).

I got too crossfaded last night because I was spin cycling

by joeylandshark March 1, 2010

The Spinning Dick Suck

Where 2 or more people suck a dick while they are both on a merry go round. It ends when everybody throws up.

I just did the spinning dick suck for the first time at the park and it was so amazing!!!!

by FanBlad;''e&%$#666 December 15, 2017

Taco Spin

When a girl masturbates
A girl's vulva can be portrayed as a taco through emojis, the song says "Girls Just Want to Have Fun", Masturbation releases a chemical in the brain called Dopamine. Dopamine comes from pleasures such as running, specific sounds, eating, and you guessed it; masturbation.

Taco Spin
taco is slang for vulva

by Jeff Kaplan fixed OW June 21, 2023