Spin the bottle game, but you are out of bottle so use fish instead
You have to kiss Sophie! Those are the rules of spin the fish!
A person who invites you to a casino without money or vehicle.
Someone who is always asking for money to go to the casino.
I can't believe Andrew invited me to the casino without any money . He even asked me for a ride and a couple of dollars to play with. He is nothing but a cheap spin.
Adj describing something really deep or intense; referencing Inception and the spinning top.
Matt: Hey man have you ever noticed how loved spelled backward is evol?
Zach: Whoa. Crazy. You really spin the top sometimes man.
Zoe: Wait...Isn't that an Eminem lyric?
The Spinning AlphabetVerbSexual Act: As Your Sexual Partner Rides You, You Recite The Alphabet. Once You Hit P You Spin Your Partner While They Are Still On You And So Now They Are In Reverse Cowgirl Position. You Furiously Thrust Them While Repeating The Letter P 26 Times. Once The 26th Time Is Hit, You Spin Them Back Around And Finish The Alphabet. Also see The Stinking Alphabet.
"Dude! Last night I gave your mom The Spinning Alphabet and she came right then and there.
Going back and forth between hitting a joint / blunt / bowl (etc.) and drinking alcohol and claiming each time that your mouth is dry because of cottonmouth (so you need a drink).
I got too crossfaded last night because I was spin cycling
Where 2 or more people suck a dick while they are both on a merry go round. It ends when everybody throws up.
I just did the spinning dick suck for the first time at the park and it was so amazing!!!!
When a girl masturbates
A girl's vulva can be portrayed as a taco through emojis, the song says "Girls Just Want to Have Fun", Masturbation releases a chemical in the brain called Dopamine. Dopamine comes from pleasures such as running, specific sounds, eating, and you guessed it; masturbation.
Taco Spin
taco is slang for vulva