A cocktail of alcohol as served to a regular at a bar whose drink of choice is known in advance from repeated experience. Defined by bartender Anne Depping at Black Iron Burger in Mancha.
Swim practice is where your coach constantly yells at you to go faster when you are already at your limit, You can't see on backstroke because of the blinding sun, you hit hands with people on freestyle and butterfly, you practically go no-where in breaststroke... picture that holding your breath.
Leah: "wanna hang out today?"
Me: "sorry I have swim practice"
Leah: "what about tomorrow?"
Me: "sorry boo I still gotta go to practice"
Where a guy fingers a gal in the water about as high as waste high just deep enough to cover their waist and so everyone can see what is going on
I saw a guy doing chuck in the swimming hole yesterday and it was with my girlfriend