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Big Book of Bullshit

A term to use when someone is clearly full of bullshit.

Person 1 : "The sky is green!"
Person 2: "Where'd you get that from, the big book of bullshit?"

by jag928 May 14, 2011

I call bullshit

To point it out when one is lying. In certain situations it may be used to refer to an unfair system or an outcome of such a system.

"I love you."
"I call bullshit. You're just trying to get laid."
Men get paid more than women. I call bullshit!

by Ioulia called it! March 5, 2009

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Hand fed bullshit

When people give you "Bull" and you call their bluff...
and you just want to stop them by saying:
"Stop hand feeding me, bullshit!"
by saying this they will know that the gig is up and you want

them to know it...and you just don't want to hear

anymore.It's equivalent to saying ,Oh,Bullshit!

1.I've been hand fed bullshit!!

2.They think I don't know!! They think I am aware of all their lies and bullshit... did they really think that I was going to be "hand fed some bullshit and take it!!" ..oh fuck 'em!!....fuck that!!!...fuck NO!!!!

3."Stop hand feeding me your bullshit....your so full of shit!!!"....

4."Why are you treating me like a baby and hand feeding me your bullshit?"...
by telling them this ..it is confronting the problem....
(they are treating you like a baby:making you feel helpless because you are oblivious to the situation/ or you were....and they are confident that YOU are more than willing to take it....and even wait for more...

5. It's when your son or daughter ...even your husband or wife....tries to lie to you and you already know it...but yet..they continue to try to tell you bullshit in hopes that somewhere along their story you will buy into" the story" (bullshit)..that they are telling you and / or you will change your mind after they hand feed you their bullshit.....and you're just going to believe them and accept their bullshit.
and most likely they will try to keeping giving you more of their bullshit ...feeding it to you... as in >>ummmm...yum..yum..yum...give me some more of that bullshit you just gave me..cause I want more of it ..keep it coming ...."I just love getting hand fed some bullshit!"

by CyberVamp Stevens September 27, 2011

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chicken shit bullshit

A more interesting and exaggerated form of "bullshit" made famous by Danny the Tourettes Guy (RIP)

"I aint got time for this chicken shit bullshit!!!!"

by Whirlybird December 21, 2007

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psycho babble bullshit

anytime someone says something totally ridiculous and you just wish they would shut up.

i don't want to hear this " psycho babble bullshit ! "

by lisaprada February 2, 2010

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Bullshit stop light

A stop light in wich makes you wait for 10 minutes and there is nobody else at the intersection.

Brandon- dude this light is taking forever.!

Mark- this is a Bullshit stop light man.

Brandon- You got that right.

by Penguin26 November 22, 2009

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end-of-the-millenium bullshit

the wave of excessive bullshit that dominated everything during the fucking PC 90s, especially the second half. In 1993, ABC TV aired a special on angels, chiefly because New Age freaks decided that they believed in them. It gave "details" of supposed "encounters" with angels by people who wanted to make some easy money and their Warholian famous 15 minutes. Soon after that "prophecy" shows appeared on TV to fool the gullible and uninformed, and using superstitions, misread readings, scientifically unsound theories and outright lies. The angel fad didn't abate, CBS put out "Touched by an Angel" to feed the heat-of-the-moment sentiments, the up-to-that-point good country band Alabama put out the trend-chasing crap song "Angels Among Us", and angel pins and other angel-themed merchandise was sold. Cha-ching!. In 1996 Comet Hyakutake graced our skies with a spectacular showing. After that it happened again with the wonderful Comet Hale-Bopp. Many cults and sects appeared out from under the woodpile, and many people commited suicide en masse, particularly in the Order of the Solar Temple, Heaven's Gate and more. When the aforementioned comets came close to the Earth, much doom-saying was made and ignorance was rampant. One particular cult picked up it's tents and settled outside the city of Jerusalem to await the arrival of Jesus Christ. The comets gave an impetus for Hollywood to make some real crappy disaster-from-the-skies movies. Simply put, Jesus Christ didn't return (He will when He's ready to, not before and not when we predict it), and the universe kept on rolling.

TV, movies, the Internet, other forms of communication, clothing styles, music, culture, religion, and much more were affected by the trends of all the end-of-the-millenium bullshit that came out in the last decade of the 20th century. OK, Prince said "they say two thousand-zero-zero party over oops, out of time. So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999". But why did so many people have to take it all so literally? As we well know, it's 2007 and we're still here, for all it's worth. The end ain't gonna come until it's time for it.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 18, 2007

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