Source Code

dixie whistle

The sound of a tornado coming to take your house.

Hey maw...better get in the cellar. I hear that damn Dixie Whistle comin'!

by Rancid Crabtree December 15, 2019

1πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

whistling past the graveyard

Looking for trouble in a bold way. To whistle near a cemetery can evoke a spirit to follow you.

"Whistlin' past the graveyard

Steppin' on a crack

I'm a mean motherhubbard

Papa one eyes jack"

whistling past the graveyard by Tom Waits

by Gat-Man November 23, 2013

18πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

dog whistle comment

A surreptitious inclusion of code words or phrases that will be heard by some of those listening, while not disturbing the other listeners, who may not appreciate the hidden message(s).

President George W. Bush is constantly littering his speeches with dog whistle comments meant for the religious right, so that he can tell them what they wants to hear, while not offending those who aren't evangelical or born again. (paraphrase of text by Ian Welsh, on his Agonist blog)

by Mike P. Grant, esq. October 5, 2006

40πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž

Dog Whistle Code

In the Republican Southern Strategy, terms, phrases, and actions that evoke racism to racists, while being plausibly deniable to the press and the wider public. Much of this code is inherited from the pro-slavery code of the antebellum South.

The name is a reference to high-pitched dog whistles that people cannot hear, but dogs can.

Dog Whistle Code became an essential part of the Republican Southern Strategy after overt racism became unacceptable.

Barry Goldwater's Libertarianism was Dog Whistle Code for segregation at the 1964 Republican Convention.

Ronald Reagan's first Presidential campaign appearance was itself Dog Whistle Code, taking place in Philadelphia, Mississippi, the scene of the murder of three civil rights workers.

States' Rights

Originally, Dog Whistle Code for the right to keep slaves, then the right to maintain Jim Crow segregation laws, now the right to oppress any disfavored minorities, women, immigrants, GLBTs and the rest of the riffraff

Deficits don't matter (Ronald Reagan)

Because they hurt Blacks worse than Whites (Lee Atwater, explaining the Southern Strategy and Dog Whistle Code)

by Antibogotes October 5, 2010

42πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž

Whistling up a pig’s ass

This expression was originally by Rednecks in the USA, but achieved wider recognition and usage due to combined operations between the US Army and British troops. It is used to describe something that is totally futile, a waste of time and effort and something you do not wish to do. By extension it can also be used to mean a person who is a waste of time and resources, someone with whom you do not wish to associate, that the world would be better off without and who is one of nature’s biggest mistakes, in short a complete and total Malcolm.

Malcolm has just fucked the system again, that waster is no more use than whistling up a pig’s ass.

by AKACroatalin March 13, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Whistling Through The Wheat Field

The action of eating out ones pussy. Heard by Tony Soprano in The Sopranos, episode 1x09 "Boca" in reference to uncle junior.

The old man's whistling through the wheat field.

by vahnx May 8, 2009

108πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Wu Tang War Whistle

A FAT turbocharger on a engine. Comes from the whistling noise it emits while spooling as well as relieving pressure.

"Look at the size of that wu tang war whistle! I wonder how it sounds."

by Billy wade 29 April 25, 2021