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cooper smith

someones who is ugly and smelly and has a small cock but has a extremely sexy sister!! he also has genital warts

i hate that guy, hes a real cooper smith

by SCHOUW February 15, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Smith

The biggest clout chaser in the world. May suck a dick for a juul and/or shirts with rappers shirts.

Yo thatโ€™s Justin Smith he sucked off my friend for a Tupac shirt.

by Steamy_nut January 3, 2019

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Donovan Smith

A guy with huge nuts.
And he was a dog in his past life.

That guy is packin like Donovan Smith

by donovanforrestsmith September 3, 2009

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Hannah Smith

Genuinely a great person. Typically caring and nice but always cute. It is average for them to have nice tits and an equally great ass. Definately someone people want to be around.

Damn! That chick must be Hannah Smith, she seems great!

by PaPaSmorf July 17, 2018

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Ryan Smith

A classic example of the stereotypical ginger. He enjoys walking ferrets on a regular basis and has been known to be rather aggressive towards anyone who confronts him with this hobby.

You are such a Ryan Smith.
Stop Ryan Smith'ing.

by NINJAF33T October 8, 2012

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Smith Cocktail

Developed at Smith College, an all-female institution, the smith cocktail is a cocktail that, unbeknown to the male receiver, contains both an erectile assistant and a sedative. When properly administered the smith cocktail effectively negates both the risk of rejection and of awkward morning after scenarios.

smithee 1: "that one guy at our party sure is cute, too bad he's gay"
smithee 2: "we'll see about that; I've got a smith cocktail with his name on it"
smithee 1: "can I have him when you're done? I haven't seen a penis in months"
smithee 2: "sure! but you've got to drag him to your room yourself"

by metcalfistan April 1, 2010

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evan smith

an evan smith is a person who overall should have been aborted.

Whoah that baby is fugly they should have evan smithed him.

by realtalker6969 February 5, 2019

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