The fraud that starts calling other people/teams frauds before anybody would think yo look at whether he/she/they were also frauds.
When somebody who's looking for a scapegoat starts calling one or two people/teams frauds and avoids calling the collective whole frauds, what do those peoplr/teams think the people calling them frauds really are? The quick thinking fraud is the first to start punishing others before anybody would think these might not be such honest, good, or innocent people themselves doing the punishing or firing.
The kind of person who puts pressure on one or two people/teams to get pressure off themselves.
The quick thinking fraud shifted pressure to one or two scapegoat people/teams to avoid a worse fate for himself/herself but putting one on the one or two scapegoat people/teams.
You tend to go for people fancy them quick not hold back and catch feelings immediately then move on and do the same with the next man
Wow you go through people quick fam
Go through people quick
Quick shots is a pharse used when you play football and take many shots in quick succession
Matty said he is taking his ball and going in because Jake and Jack didn't take quick shots
2👍 3👎
Southern girl giving you a blow job behind the supermarket
I got a dixi quick from Jamie the other day
Quick-art is art made by an artist by not using full effort or is made quickly for enjoyment. It usually doesn’t take any more than 5 minutes to make a quick-art piece.
Sally: look at my artwork, I made it because I was bored, it took me 5 minutes.
John: Wow, that is some great quick-art.
a sentance with every letter in the english lexicon typically used to test typewritters or keyboards to test if all letters work
Customer: "my keyboard doesnt work"
technician:the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
technician: you lied