The act of someone on a trapeze by their feet jerking off two men
I did an upside down double swank surpreme to bill and John yesterday
To show your acceptance for a plan to go somewhere/do something
Tom : Yo, you wana go clubbing?
Bob : Mans Down
An object that is exceptionally good compared to previous experiences.
"That apple pie was 'hoppin down the block' man, that shit was fire".
Running the streets cuz you don’t want to be at home
My lady been trippin so I been burning off steam should I lay down tAr
When you run the streets day or night
Got to make a living so I lay down tar
When you run the streets day or night
I got to make a living so I lay down tar!
Calm the fuck down. But Nicer🤗
Hey Reggie, I just watched you trip while you were running like a dumbass. Clam down pork chop.