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The action of using ones entire body and soul to punt an object with as much force as physically possible and as far as physically possible, this is done usually in an aggressive manner and This manoeuver is typically reserved for toddlers since they are fucking evil shittlings that terrorise anyone within earshot with satanic shrills and they crave nothing but blood, violence and breast milk however, anything small enough is thunder-cuntable

There are a few reasons as to why one may decide to "thunder-cunt" a child, animal or object however it is most commonly done as a result of the perpetrator being annoyed or irritated by the target or simply as a joke as it is fucking hilarious. The sole exception is toddlers as it is obligatory to greet them with an almighty thunder-cunt.

The exact origins of the meme remain unknown however it was first popularised by a comment left on an Instagram reel of a child snarling and chasing the camera man and the meme had resurfaced in the comments section of multiple YouTube shorts.

Person 1: that kids god awful screaming is driving me fucking insane.

Person 2: give me a second *thunder-cunts the child*

Person 1: thank you so fucking much

by Ethishaam May 30, 2024

Thunder cunt

A woman who is a two-faced, backstabbing, hoe, that has no feelings for anyone but wants any type of attention even if they have to pretend to kill them selves to get it.

"God shes such a thunder cunt!"

by Nottoday41 July 31, 2018

Thunder Cunt

Some who takes being a cunt to a whole new level.as if it was a profession. Generally someone who also looks like they live at mcdonalds

-That chick fucked like 6 guys, all of them came in her, and then she had me go down on her!

by krazyazzwhiteboy April 18, 2017


Verb; the act of a female quiffing, with ample magnitude to create wind and speed of mock 2, in a males face.

My brother Landon was going down on a large woman in gamma fly beta and pulled a thunder-cunt on him. He proceeded to ask her to formal.

by KappaD April 4, 2016

Thunder Cunt

A word mean massive cunt. Cunt being either a term like ass or jerk

What the hell man you’re being such a thunder cunt

by The Thot Destroyer April 24, 2018

Thunder Cunt

1) A girl or woman that can't get Enough dick in her.
2) A girl or woman that can't live with out dick in her.
3) A girl or woman that cheats constantly.
4) A girl or woman that craves dick.

1) Miranda is a thunder cunt.
2)You really know who's a thunder cunt, Miranda.

by Miranda Lynn Light March 21, 2016

thunder cunt

Valerie watson

Valerie yoy are a thunder cunt

by jake jason November 28, 2016