When you see a black dumbass ni66a
*sees 17stixks on the street* “What the glock!”
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: If I am not noticing Mel Gibson, I might die (What genders want).
You know how "it's" is basically a shortened version of "it is"? So replace "it's" with "it is" and you get "it is what it is". This version just sounds a bit more fun.
Person 1: Today at school, someone said I looked like white obama.
Person 2: Well, I mean, it's what it's.
Person 1: Huh?
Person 2: You know how "it's" is short for "it is"?
Person 1: Oh, I thought you were having a stroke.
When you want to say what the guck but your parents are around and they will smack u oh daddybddbhehsbss
Me: what the fudge
Parents: gets belt
The noisy slogan of Capital One.
Every Capital One ad that I've seen on TV for the past several years ends with "What's in Your Wallet?". I'm getting sick and tired of hearing it all the time.
Used as a descriptor for something that is so cute you can't take it. Similarly, something uniquely endearing. Its use is usually accompanied by a vocal inflection. An alternate, abbreviated pronunciation is wiθi.
You walk into the brides' dressing room: "OMG, Camille, you are what deh!" 😍
to be an asshole,or be a jerk in some manner to any person or thing. being mean or rude to somebody during a situation or just in general.
hating a person.
example one:
Derick: man..i can't wait to leave this girl.she's so annoying.'
Josh: DUDE you're such a sloanner
example two:
you're friend is making fun of you so you shout across the room "ugh WHAT A SLOANNER"
example three:
you hate you're brother,so you call him a sloanner.
ex; "goodness you're such a sloanner."