Something I fuck often
(Bang local moms)
Jimmy: I was pulling out the drive way right-
Preston: I was pulling out of your MOM last night.
The biggest thing in the universe
Scientists have not yet fully understood the true size of your mom.
When you and your significant other haven’t married yet but you need a way to refer to their mom as your mom
This is Jen my mom-in-loading!
When a mother shoves meth up her vagina when pregnant making her baby look like a middle aged mike Shapiro when it comes out, don’t matter if it’s a boy or girl, in the end, it’s just mike Shapiro
My mom pulled a meth mom a couple months back and now mike Shapiro wants to know my location
The best Preston roleplay account to exist
Person A: do you have discord friends?
Me: yes I have 'i fucked your mom#6969'
When you're hooking up and she's on her period and it gets all over your balls.
Jim: Did you fuck her?
Tom: Bro It was mom's spaghetti all up in there.