On the twenty-first of June, you should eat crispy toe nails dipped in cheddar cheese until you have a stomach puncture.
Have you heared what happened to Joe?
No what?
He's got stomach puncture, he's in the hospital.
Oh my god, why?
Check urbandictionary. You'll read about the International crispy toe nails dripped in cheddar cheese eating day
Person1:Hey have you tried a cheese burger before?
Person2:Fuck you, you rat infested junkie.
When you finger a girl after eating cheetos.
I had been elbows deep in a bag of cheetos and my fingers were covered in cheetos dust so when I went knuckles deep in her, she got the ole cheese tunnel.
The stuff you get on your penis after you dont wash it. Dick Cheese can also be used as an insult that will leave the enemy even more stupid than he was before.
It is also what Big Les calls Nordan in Season 3 Episode 7 of The Big Les Show.
Les: Hey Nordan... Nordan... Cum... Oi dickhead... Dick Cheese
Nordan: Oh my God, I hate this fucking town
It’s the stuff you smell on a dick when someone doesn’t wash it
Ethan: yo Peter what is that smell???
Peter: it might be my dick cheese I haven’t washed my dick in a week
That nasty shit you smell when someone doesn’t wash their dick.
People named Peter are most likely to have this
Ethan: yo Peter what the hell is that smell?
Peter: it’s probably my dick cheese, I haven’t washed my dick in a week
A misheard version of Fixies, a Russian CGI Kids show.
My daughter googled Dick cheese instead of Fixies on YouTube Kids.