a term of abuse that incorporates the two insults of being a whore and coming from fife.
hey,you've just taken my last fag,you whore from fife.
two bisses who mind their own business yet still get attacked by a wild gaylee .
andrea and amy are such attention seeking whore bisses
When one junior sleeps with everyone's moms
Look at junior whore over there
Doggerel political talk about the bad manners of a puppy love mutt or a philandering politician.
My politician is no better than your whore mutt.
My whore mutt is no worse than your politician.
A term used on Halo multiplayer: the act of spamming grenades to get kills, usually used by n00bs when they cannot land a shot
Halo veteran- These kids can't beat my BR so now they're just nade whoring the lift
An Indian/brown girl who loves to fuck black guys, but doesn't date/marry them because they aren't classy enough for them nor do they make enough money. So they come back to Indian guys and beg them to marry them. But they are tainted and worthless, and brown guys don't take them back.
Priya? Yaa she's an Indian Nigger Whore, no classy educated brown man would touch her
The amount of whores one man can have at one night in a strip club.
"Dude, did you see his whore-spread last night? Phenomenal!"
"Yo, my friend said he would cover my whore-spread tonight! Idiot!"