Something so bad, so evil, so fugly, that a whore would do or wear it. Synonymous with horrid.
Cassie: Ew, have you seen brittani's shirt?
Chelsea:Yeah, it's totally whore-id.
Calculated seductive moves mixed with an unseen force some woman posess to make men lose all common sense and give into her evil ways.
I kept telling her i didnt want a relationship, yet she kept on trying her whore magic on me. Im better than that voodoo sorcery
A bartender that has to sleep with people to have customers.
She's such a whore tender.
"Vic DiBitetto rode a horse named Horse Shit in the local horse race. Then he went on to ride a whore named Whore Shit in the National Whore's Race Championship!"
A social circle of known sluts/hoes who have all dated/fucked the same guy.
Did you know that Taylor was in a bundle of whores with Morgan
A woman who has at least two illegitimate children by two different baby daddies, still lives at home with her parents, probably never went to college, is looking for a sugar daddy, but can’t stop sleeping around.
That whore bag is already collecting child support from two baby daddies and she’s still looking for a new baby daddy but she can’t stop sleeping around with a million other men.