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Cupcake Nigga

When your round friend isn't living up to your expectations.

"You da biggest boi in dis joint, man. You should be destroying all deez posers, but you ain't nothing but a cupcake nigga."

by Gert August 5, 2017

big fat nigga

A fat nigga who eats too much fried chicken and watermelon

this big fat nigga just stole my fried chicken

by xx48 October 13, 2023

Faggot Ass Nigga

1. What you call someone when your highly upset with them and you can't really come up with anything better to say because others words don't really apply to them. (informal Roast )
Note: This Phrase can be highly offensive to some niggas to use precaution.

2. A man who tends to shame a woman's appearance

3. A man trying to tell a woman how she should be and or present herself

4. Someone semi hypocritical towards the opposite sex

You A Faggot Ass Nigga

by Fufi Feelings May 9, 2024


When you've eaten alot, and get sleepy/fall asleep afterwards.

I got the worst case of nigga-gut after Christmas dinner, so I took a nap.

by yourmomwhatsup March 1, 2011

1👍 1👎

they're all niggas

they're all equally wrong, no one is right or wrong. everyone loses at the end.

did u hear about the drive-by shooting?! the thugs are only on parole!

nah, they're all niggas

by Showa 96 the ham-eating crusader808 May 23, 2017

trigger nigga

a individual who uses trigger words to another individual to get them say something they shouldn't say

gary : says hey look over there they are flipping you off....

melody: says you mean they are flipping me the bird...you trigger nigga..

by falcon2267:) June 23, 2022

Benz Nigga

unpredictable type of nigga that can’t keep a job but pays for warm, steamy pussy in the back of his e class

nigga 1: aye let’s slide on Aurora Ave

nigga 2: bro you such a benz nigga

by yamomslovemydraws September 2, 2023