The act of sticking your penis in hot cheese and having your boyfriend or girlfriend like it like a corndog
Ayo babe, want some dick cheese?
The delicious most creamy cheese that is only produced from your cock. Its smoothing taste can only be found from a homeless guys cock.
guy 1: Is that Dick cheese in your pants?
guy 2: Yes, you want to try some of my Dick cheese?
guy 1: Oh my god yes
The cheese surrounding the circumference of the dick
Oh he’s dirty he has that nasty dick cheese
semen that has been left to undergo fermentation on a dick. please for the sake of everyone. WASH YO PICKLE
girl 1: i was gonna give him head but then...
girl 2: oh no...dont tell me....
girl 1: *sniffs* t-there was...
girl 2: NO ! no dont say it
girl 1: d-dick cheese
The dried cum on your table, mousepad, and other things. It look likes cheese it is dried so much.
There was dick cheese everywhere!
A cheese made out of semen and left to rot in large quantities until solid.
Person A: Man that Dick Cheese was great!
Person B: Glad you loved it man! Anytime you need some I'm right here.