An acorn in a bed of har is all your gonna see down there.
Chad pissed on his balls again! What a fucking tinkle nut.
To do someone's nuts, or in other words, a blowjob
Person 1: Guess what, I passed
Person 2: SLAYYYY
Person 1: How about you slay deez nuts
a Word Used by Holy_Hell to Express his Shocked State and/or confusion.
Holy Bah Gaggle Nuts,thats a lot of nuts!
Chewy Nuts , when going down on a nigger and his nuts become gummy excess water and raised lumpy spots
Joshua has the best chewy nuts
The nut jfk did in his mothers g-string
He then chucked the g-string into jacks pillow case and soon forgot about
Man’s about to buss out still mush
Yo did you here about jfks lost nut
Yeah I heard jack fucked his pillow last night
Kinda mad yk
The type of politician who thinks only of themselves and will say anything (shlem) to get elected.
We need fewer shlem nuts and more straight shooters in Congress.