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Blofelds Cat

When a woman dyes her pubes so utterly blonde , that they take on the likeness of Bond Villan Blofelds Cat

I kid you not Timothy , her blart was so incandescent that it instantly reminded me of Blofelds Cat

by Napoleon BonerPart February 6, 2023


a cat that starts with an english name then gets a spanish one

*first few months of cat ownership*
“come here george!”
*anything after month 6 of cat ownership*
“ahh, yes, come here, my beloved cat-cholo jorge

by catgekko666 June 15, 2022

cat explosion

When the cats in your house knock something down and break it, making them scared and scatter

"That cat explosion last night sounded like a stampede"

by Dashisback November 17, 2017

Snap cat

A person of the female variety who displays bipolar tendencies.

I thought Amanda was a cool girl, turns out she's a total snap cat

by john avery November 10, 2017

Mall Cat

A female wrongly categorized into the order of Homo sapien ( it is in fact homo-americanus-very-retardus).
These females wrongly brought up by their neglecting parents are constantly linger inside and around mall's, mostly aimlessly wandering. A lot of times they emit a very loud and annoying mating call that some humans mistakenly identify as 'laughter', however, it is not. In fact, it is a mating call for the mall dogs, which are in the order of cockroachus-uncultured-pigus-americanus. Both of these animals frequent the mall, are extremely annoying, too loud, obnoxious, disrespectful and unintelligent. Their calling card is channel no5, 1 liter of diluted starbugs 'coffee' (instant cancerus-horsepissus). When startled, especially the black variants will resolve for their primal instincts, which are: anger tantrums, high pitched screaming, jaggy, irregular movements, and dark wizard chants, most commonly 'Watup ma nigga' 'Lesss go ma nigga'. When encountering these vile creatures dispose of them humanely or inhumanely by kicking them out of the mall, returning them to the hospitals in which they were born or deporting them to a designated wild life reserve known as Ethiopia.

Look at those girls! They're screaming, barely wearing anything, in their pajamas, wearing crocks!
Those aren't girls. They're mall cats. Brainless beings destined to wander the malls of America, annoying the happen-to passing by Europeans.

by CulturedEuropean May 9, 2023

Frisky like the Cat Food

When you are feeling sassy.

Mackenzie: How are you feeling today Amy?

Amy: Frisky like the cat food.

by HiddenGem777 September 1, 2020

ghetto cat

ghetto cat - cats seen in the ghetto
ghetto cat - (derogatory) children from the ghetto

Go slow when you make this turn, ghetto cats are always in the street here.

by $.05 May 12, 2011