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I don’t have any problems until they decide to use privileged information against me for the purpose of my derision or you my likeness and response to derision as a tool for self promotion. And it’s unacceptable for me to do that to people (not that it’s something I do isn’t the first place). But where was I when someone was trying to extort 2 grand from you by pretending to be an underage girl? Being made fun of by you and the people you talk to behind my back. Where was I while you and your T-Rex head girlfriend were fucking each other? Taking your mother to the hospital while you made fun of me behind my back. Where were you while I was working 6 hours of your shift in addition to my own? At home, sleeping off the dicking-down you got from a mental midget.

Hym “And that’s just the friends. Don’t even get me started on the family aspect of it. I mean, you can’t have a relationship with people you can’t say no to. Where is my cousin? Where is my brother? If all the kids in your family are leaving and not coming back. It isn’t the kids. Is it me? Are they around when I’m not? No. They’re gone whether I’m there or not. You don’t like what I said about women and retards. So you’ve decided to be a bitch. That’s a decision you’ve made. To be a bitch. It’s easier for you to change yourself than it is for you to change me (which is what you’re trying to do). You’re trying to change me instead of stopping being a bitch. That’s you. And if you want to talk about avoidance. I’m not avoiding you. Takes less for you to get here than it does for me to come there. You obviously care enough to do what you’re doing. Shot clock is ticking. You’re standing there dribbling. Shoot the ball.”

by Hym Iam October 23, 2022


A show that I've seen but never watched.

Hym "You know what this chick said to me the other day? She said 'If you don't agree with me on abortion, we aren't friends.' MY response to that statement is 'We weren't friends in the first place. You are in love with Tyrone and I'm HIS 'friend' and you associate with me because I associate with him.' My stance on this should have been made clear by now. Be friends with the niggas you fucked instead of me. And if killing babies is better then not have sex then A LOT of things are better than not having sex. You know and I know that we were not friends."

by Hym Iam July 2, 2022


Something that men cannot be with women.

Why can't you be friends with women?

Because she fucks her friends. If a girl brings a guy to a camping trip with her and they aren't in a relationship but they are fucking each other; what does she call him? A friend. Is she fucking you?


Then, you aren't friends idiot. In addition to this, women/girls are terrible people.

You can't say that.

They literally believe that murdering babies is a right. That they shouldn't have to live with the consequences of their actions and should be able to kill their own kids to avoid those consequences.

Well, I guess on the list of the "worst things a person" can do baby murder is like #2 behind genocide and ahead of fucking a retard/child.

Exact. They regularly do 2 of the 3 worst things.

Wow. I never thought of it like that. My girlfriend has a ton of guy friends.

Well, you know how women are more likely to lie about how many men they've been with?

Oooohhhh. So her friends and the retard she was with when she took that shift at the group home for mentally retarded cripples 30 minutes away from where we live.....

Yeah. That is how women work.

But she said..... And the girl I talk to said.... They were lying.

Correct. They don't have the propensity for violence that men have so they make up for it in deceit. They are historically, archetypally, and actually terrible people.

by Hym Iam September 28, 2020


Oh, yeah, totally. You know what REALLY helps you get into to a sexual relationship with a woman? The literal opposite of that! You sound like a torture victim trying to trick their torturer.

Torturer *uses cattle prod* BZZZZZT!

Hym "Oh God, ouch! That's the SECOND worst thing I've ever felt!"

Torturer "Wait, what? What's the first?"

Hym "Getting my dick sucked. It's the worst! Literally the worst form of torture you can inflict on someone! That's what you should do if you REALLY want to torture people."

Torturer "Oho! You're in for it now! You should have kept your mouth shut!"

Hym 😨 "Wait... You don't mean... No! Stop! Anything but that!"

Torturer "Heheheh. You're in for it now!"

Hym "Wait! Can we just be friends?"

by Hym Iam October 17, 2023


who? I don't have friends

A: So you explain something and I will guess what it is.
B: The thing i don't have.
A: Friends.

by ewwwhuman May 14, 2021


Something I don’t have and never will

Me: Hey! Wanna be friends
Them: Ew no you ugly fat rat

by LONELYBRAT February 26, 2021


That dumbass you show sympathy for.

My friend mooches some more food off me but I'm only friends 'cause he has that new PS4

by Fuckin' Up that POLE March 5, 2019