Mr. and Mrs. Brown: king and queen of the hobos.
Weren't these two people, The Brown's, panhandling yesterday and the day before here?
Brown is spicy black. It is black with more flavour.
Black? That's boring! Add a little brown to make it more spicy!
A surname of which the person seems boring and average but these people can be cunningly devious and people are misled by their boring superficial mask, and in turn make up the population of those on street corners, but go home to mummy's for tea and scones.
Man 1 "dude..don't her name's Railston-Brown!"
Man 2 "eh,money grabbing b**tch!"
to be/do something very headass
Leo: “I just fucked a peanut butter jar”
Dalton: “You’re brown”
An adjective used for people that got disillusioned very badly. You would usually turn, become or get brown. Like when someone shits on you. Since the color brown is associated with shit so you get brown.
"Haha! Why did you color suddenly change?! Oh yes, you got brown this time. Really optimistic of you to think they would go with your idea."
The colour that Asian girls like to pretend their eyes/hair are
My hair isn’t black, it’s brown