A seldom used insult, favored by hoodlums, comparing and individual to a domesticated "pet" cat as opposed to a stray cat, big cat, or wild cat, how ever stray cat can also be used as an insult. It is a play off the term "cat" used simply to refer to an individual.
The phrase "house cat" is typically directed towards those who lack street smarts, criminal affectation, or who other wise appear uncomfortable or out of place when confronted. The origin is unknown but it was likely first used from any where as early as the 1940s. It's popularity peaked in the 1970s and fell from use nearly entirely by the 1990s.
guy 1 "fight me bro!" girl "I just don't know Jimbo, I told David I go to the
dance with him..."
guy 2 "who you gonna fight, house cat?"
(reveals switchblade) guy "Aw give me a break, that house cat wouldn't
know what to do with ya"
A house cat refers to an individual living in a Bubble with no understand of the world outside of there house ( bubble ) how the house was build, what evolution it took for the infrastructure to create and maintain the house.
A house cat lives in and benefits from the Luxury of modern technology and culture whilst also shaming the outside world that provided it.
A house cat will try to dismiss insult and shame individuals in the outside world through a window without ever having stepped out there own echo chamber.
A house cat is oblivious to anything past what they can comprehend through there own window.
You have no idea how ecenomics works stop being a house cat.
When you see your cat/ any cat, in a sphinx position, with their front paws tucked in
Hey babe, check out that cat pod over there.
Black Cat usually belonging to someone who encounters it and usually receives information on a certain situation that could be of manipulation to a person that is innocent black cat usually has dangerous sides seeing only his enemies and leading his Child out of the dark . Once you have made games on a child of this Spirit you will usually be gamed for life meaning the person who which the game was played on gets to make the endings for each and everyone of them that sucked a devils dick meaning you lose cause you aint sweet like honey and you definently dont get money and cat man can fight he usually terrorises his victims before he strings all of your sins on to your next generation and all your family so be careful of who you might play games on cause the cats in the tree are watching you and if you have ugly eyes they might just poke them out cause they urrrrrrrrggggggglllllllyyyyyyyy like your sister and your gay buddies murrrrderrr inc niggah bitch , Have some pufffet you sickkkkaaaaaaaaaaa
Definitely devoted to the one and only tiny pussy lips Black cat will be have dog by foot and hung like the rest of the shitnitskis
*random cat walks by joe: spit spit spit james:whats wrong with you joe: black cats make me loose lottery james: ...