When someone puts cheese under their foreskin and lets it ferment for 2-3 days. They put it in a bag with small cockroaches and usually dump it on somone or throw it at someone.
That fucking idiot threw some dick cheese on me
a white substance found on a mans dick that has a 100% chance of a women saying "im not fucking that"
her: im not fucking that
him: why
her: because u havent cleaned off the dick cheese from last time
This is a word to start a conversation if nobody wants to talk.
Ppl in gc: uummmm
You: Dick cheese
Ppl in gc: Woah wats that
Ppl in gc: o what are we doin today?
Dick cheese: an insulting name to shout at an unsuspecting stranger in public
Ex: "Hey you, yeah you! The dick cheese with the hat! Yeah, fuck you!"
Dick cheese: an insulting name to shout at an unsuspecting stranger in public
Ex: "Hey you, yeah you! The dick cheese with the hat! Yeah, fuck you!"
Shaking your boobs.
Origin: I was making easy mac and I was shaking the cheese packet causing my tits to shake rapidly back and forth. Shaking the cheese.
I went to a strip club and she was shaking the cheese.
meaning a cheese biscuit but made from monkey cheese ear food being scrated and fried with love
"hey, can i have monkey cheese biscuit" , "sure but you have to tell me Obamas last name first!"