Its usually used amongst Asian people, it is a punishment which utlizies psychological and physical pain. This gives the child a false sense of power over their own punishment. They usually go with the smaller ones even though they are all very painful.
Asian Parent: Go Get a Stick For me to Beat You With.
Asian Child: Okay... (Gets a thin smaller stick)
(The Asian Parent whips him with the stick and the Child feels a lot of pain, it stings a lot)
A phrase that is sure to replace the widely used ”not (even) gonna lie”
Random dude: yo that thot really did send a dickpic instead of her tits accidentally
Me, an intellectual: that’s kinda cringe, not EVEN going to fap (well, ofc I’m gonna fap)
A person who outwardly appears happy and nice but acts condescending and passive aggressively.
Our waiter looked so nice at first but he had a real happy-go-fuck-you attitude.
What’s wrong with her? She seemed so cool at first but then her happy-go-fuck-you personality really came out.
Have you guys seen Randy lately? Ever since he came back from that two-year trip to London he’s changed into a happy-go-fuck-you kinda guy.
This i where you are going for the practically you go for the throne with anyone and you go very hard in the paint and fuck with them heavily with out a second doubt
Omg Jared just brought that girl in his room,he’s going for the throne!
the annoying thing that the really overly annoying cat thing says 24/7
"Go to sleep" - Morgana is a page of tiktok, she does edit about kpop-idols and she is multifandom. We stan the supportive queen
Oh have you seen the last edit of go to sleep bro? It's bussin