Stiffness in texture or taste “appetite left” .
It's a comparison. They're not saying it is literally inedible, they're saying it tastes similar to something inedible
Her “Pussy taste like Cardboard “..
Them taste testers taste like cardboard 🤢🤮
A dance created by Wepy that consists of miscellaneous spider movements.
"Get down and Spider Like Wepy"
Is a vivid and crude way of describing severe trauma or injury to someone's testicles (potatoes), implying they have been so badly crushed or damaged that they are no longer in their normal shape or condition. This expression is used to emphasize the extent of the injury and the extreme pain associated with it.
Guy 1: Fuck he crushed his nuts on the rail!
Guy 2: I bet he has balls like mashed potatoes now!
To sit there and do nothing. To be lazy, chill and relax.
I am going to get a blanket, sit on the couch and chill like a vegetable
To talk shit about a irrevelevent subject
Yo dawg quit bippin like a cheech before I smack you
A person with so many platonic husbands like its not even funny.
“Hey, did you hear about @moon..likes..Minecraft’s first husband?” “Oh god, I thought there was only one”
Downing three Venti at Starbucks during your lunch break, in lieu of eating actual food.
It's the middle of the week, but we still have time to have "lunch like adults."